Is Family Therapy Right for Your Teen and Family?
“My family and I no longer know what to do. Our child, despite everything we have tried, keeps getting into deeper trouble. Truancy, drugs, vandalism, shoplifting, physical abuse. The list goes on. We are at the point for the child’s sake-and ours-that they be sent away. We don’t want that, but we are desperate.”
Being a teenager today is difficult. So is raising a teenager.
Family therapy can help when parents and teenagers are struggling with unwanted behaviors. Problems look different in every child and family. It could be the child is not listening to their parents and having trouble in school. Or the teen could be using drugs and alcohol, acting aggressively, or getting arrested. These behaviors involve and affect the entire family, so its best to use a family-centered approach to help.
Why Family Therapy?
Family therapy can support parents in stopping unwanted teen behaviors. Teens can show some improvement in programs that focus on just the child (like wilderness programs, residential facilities, or individual therapy), but their impact is often short-lived.
A better approach is to work with parents to stopping negative behaviors. Savio has worked with many families who feel desperate because their child is making bad decisions and acting out. We treat teens and their families together in the home. We work with the child and their family, but also the child’s friends and school when needed. This approach considers all the factors and gets better results.
What is Expected of the Parent or Guardian in Family Therapy?
Together, parents and a therapist develop an understanding of current behaviors and concerns. This helps the parents and therapist find ways to address the issues.
Savio’s Approach
Programs that rely on medication or lecturing teens do not work well. Our approach is different. We work hand in hand with the entire family. We put you front and center. We can also work with any part of a child’s life that contributes to the problems. We also are available at any time in case of a crisis. Put simply, we do whatever it takes.
The outcomes of this family friendly approach are far better. Savio’s largest program, MultiSystemic therapy, features the largest body of evidence, by far, of successful interventions for youth.
Interested in family therapy? Savio is currently accepting families in Colorado.
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