Reflections on the Direction of Child Welfare
Last week, 9News and The Colorado Sun publicized a three-part investigative series on residential treatment in Colorado, prompted by the tragic deaths of two children who ran from local facilities. The series highlights many of the problems in residential facilities, including the high frequency of kids running from centers, the relationship between these providers and the police, staff's hardship in supporting kids, and the efforts and barriers to systemic reform faced by the Department of Human Services and Child Protection Ombudsmen.
Community members have been understandably shaken by what the reporters described. Though Savio was not one of the organizations highlighted, Savio was founded as a residential home and the question of how to best care for children and families is central to our mission and journey to offering community-based services.
I started at Savio as a residential therapist twenty-five years ago and oversaw Savio's residential program for most of my career. The series accurately reflects many of the troubling realities of this type of care. However, focusing the conversation on changing regulations, improving reimbursement rates, or refining reporting requirements loses sight of the children we are tasked with helping.
Norma Aguilar-Dave, Executive Director
I met hundreds of kids while working in and overseeing residential treatment. When I saw past their behaviors, I saw caring, wonderful children who have been repeatedly and deeply hurt. They hold the same hopes and promise as any child.
We were able to support many boys through this treatment model, but ultimately recognized that there are better ways to help kids. There is never a single child that chooses to be in a facility. They runaway because they want - and need – to be with their family. Colorado has made real progress in prioritizing treatment methods scientifically proven to deliver positive results.
The decision to place children in residential treatment is made with good intentions. It also is made while pushing aside the growing mountain of research that shows that placing children in facilities leads to poor outcomes and is counterproductive. Surrounding children with peers who also have experienced complex trauma and are demonstrating severe behavioral challenges inevitably exacerbates their problems.
Founded as a residential program, Savio has led Colorado in shifting its care models for more than twenty years and now emphasizes evidence-based, in-home programs. These programs are designed to serve children and adolescents who would otherwise go into residential care, and the research continually shows the outcomes are far superior to residential treatment.
I am tremendously grateful to the donors and foundations who have been critical in helping us make this transition – thank you.
While we acknowledge the shortcomings of the residential treatment model, it is important to acknowledge the successes and the role your support has played in improving care for children and families. In the past year, Savio has expanded to deliver two effective community-based alternatives to residential care in rural areas of Colorado. These programs have been embraced locally and will continue to grow.
We do not yet have an alternative solution for every child that is placed in residential care. Savio will continue to be at the forefront of finding innovative ways to support children and families. Your support allows us to see the brighter future ahead. Thank you.
Norma Aguilar-Dave
Executive Director