When Kids Fall Through Funding Cracks
Norma Aguilar-Dave, Savio’s Executive Director, was sitting in her office on a typical Friday afternoon when she received a phone call from a colleague at a local mental health center.
“I’m hoping you can help a fourteen-year-old boy in a bad situation,” the woman began. The caller sounded exasperated, which told Norma this was a severe situation.
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A Thanksgiving Setback
It was the Monday morning after the long Thanksgiving weekend, and Britton was just easing back into the work week. Her phone rang, and she glanced at her caller ID and saw it was her client Kristi reaching out unexpectedly. Britton had been working with Kristi since March as part of a voluntary program for parents and children who become involved with Jefferson County as the result of child maltreatment related to a parent’s use of drugs or alcohol.
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